Ein besonderer Gruss am Morgen...
Special greetings in the morning...
Special greetings in the morning...
Danke dafuer, mein Sohnemann...
Thank you so much for it, sonny...
Thank you so much for it, sonny...
Wenn sich mein taeglicher 9l-Wasserkonsum, Super Angebote und gut gefuellte Regale ueberschneiden, sieht mein Kofferraum so aus...;-)
If ther e is an overlapping of my daily 9l water-consumption, great sale offers and overloaded shelves , you will see my trunk like this...;-)
If ther e is an overlapping of my daily 9l water-consumption, great sale offers and overloaded shelves , you will see my trunk like this...;-)
Und glaubt es oder nicht, Bernhard's Kofferraum sah aehnlich aus...;-)
And guess what, bernhard's trunks didn#t look different...;-)
Kleine Dinge, die mich gluecklich machen!
Small things make me happy!
And guess what, bernhard's trunks didn#t look different...;-)
Kleine Dinge, die mich gluecklich machen!
Small things make me happy!